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Add Value and Keep Your Agribusiness Customers Coming Back

Published on

15 Jul 2021

Are you adding value to the products and services you sell to your agribusiness customers? Add value by going above and beyond providing a product or service and demonstrate that you understand what is important to your customers. Top of the line communication, efficiency, and an accurate historical archive of customer data adds value and keeps them coming back to your business year after year.


Implement an easy-to-use software system that keeps your whole staff informed. Viewing orders that are in-process allows your team to know when jobs are scheduled and completed. Give progress updates to your customers by utilizing cloud-based software to view customer accounts in real-time and answer questions.


Can you easily move your agriculture product and service orders from a Plan to a Blend? Paperwork should not be slowing down the process to get jobs done. These steps may be behind the scenes to the customer but, efficient systems ultimately mean happier employees and customers.

Accurate and Accessible Data

Store and easily retrieve, accurate customer account data. Collect and view past Bookings, Orders, field locations, agronomic conditions, credit, and contact details for each of your customers. Download or send invoices, reports, and more. Become the useful and reliable source of historical data that your customer needs to make next years crop decisions.

Order and Customer from Agvance SKY

Order and Customer from Agvance SKY are used by your staff in the office or from a mobile device. These apps add value and enable your business to interact with the details of each customer’s account and exceed customer expectations in communication, efficiency, and accurate and accessible data. Here are just a few of the latest enhancements:

· When viewing a list of Bookings, select a Booking to drill into invoice details

· Adding a Work Order from either Customer or Order creates a Delivery Ticket in Agvance, and the order is ready to be scheduled in Dispatch

· Set a Plan to a Blend from Customer or Order

· Approve Plans or Offers from Customer or Order

· Record tillage types for each field

· Set a salesperson name to default into transactions based on the user

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