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Improvements Keep Coming for Agvance SKY Dispatch

Published on

16 May 2022

Earlier this year, Agvance SKY Dispatch was refreshed and it continues to evolve. Brandy Ferguson, SSI Product Manager says, "the team has been continuously working on adjustments and improvements based on customer feedback." Recent updates include batch-creating automated blender files, viewing the secondary as well as the primary applicator on each job, improved searchability, and increased information when switching between List and Map view.

Batching Automated Blender Files

One of the most impactful changes involves sending jobs to the automated blender in a batch. “It is a big win in terms of efficiency,” says Ferguson. This enhancement eliminates the need to open the detail section of each ticket to trigger the file. By using SKY Dispatch to send multiple jobs in a batch to the automated blender, you save time.

Assigned Secondary Applicators Easier to Identify

Dispatchers are making critical decisions and need access to all tender drivers and applicators in the Schedules View. The Schedules View not only displays the primary applicator on a job, additionally, the secondary applicator is also included keeping all applicable information in front of the dispatcher.

Improved Searching and Switching between Map and List View

Additional changes in SKY Dispatch include enhancements to the paired functionality of List and Map viewing. Searching in both List and Map view has been enhanced. Dispatch users can pan or zoom to their desired location to load jobs just for the location defined. Narrowing the focus by designating a specific area increases the speed at which results are returned.

Also, when looking at the Schedules map, a dispatcher can now toggle on the ability to switch between field and job information. The necessary details are now right there while viewing the Schedules Map for easier decision-making.

If you would like to learn more, please visit the Agvance Help Center for instructional information or read some of our recent articles to learn more about enhancements in SKY Dispatch:

Time-Saving Dispatch Technology

Refreshed Agvance SKY Dispatch Delivers a Dynamic, Responsive Experience

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