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Keeping Farm Records or Creating Farm Data? There is a Difference.

Published on

15 Jul 2021

Ask a farmer if their day is spent in the field or keeping the books. It depends on the time of the year, but overall, many would say their time is heavily spent in farm management. Are your customers keeping farm records or creating farm data? Changing the mindset from keeping farm records to creating farm data will help you become the trusted provider they rely on for financial decisions.

A collection of paperwork, even if on a computer, is simply keeping farm records. If the information is captured in a useable format it is so much more than a receipt to meet a regulatory requirement or a stack of papers saved up for the annual tax appointment.

In modern farming, sound business decisions are made based on historical information collected for years and possibly generations for each farm. Farmers are analyzing input costs, market numbers, soil composition, and of course, watching the weather report.

The modern farmer knows they are not only keeping farm records, but they are also building data. As an ag retailer, how are you building value and becoming their source of data? It is essential to provide customers with the technology tools to support and simplify data management for your farmer customers. That data is there to answer their daily questions and help them excel as the financial manager of their business. As they rely on your company for their trusted farm data, you have created a life-long customer.

Putting the right technology in customer’s hands solidifies a trusted technical advisor relationship. Find more information about Grower360 on our website and request a demo of what it can do for your business relationship with customers by completing the form below.

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