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Physical Inventory Management Made Easier with Agvance Warehouse

Published on

29 Nov 2021

As the end of the year quickly approaches, many companies may be completing time-consuming physical inventories. Chances are if you work for an agribusiness, you’ve been involved in one of these paper and pencil processes before. This is the year to change to an automated process.

Remember the not-so-fun day(s) of flipping through a stack of paper while writing on top of a cardboard box in a dusty, chilly warehouse aisle? Possibly some of the items on the list you haven’t carried for a while and the newer items are not listed so you hand write them at the bottom of the checklist. The process usually ends for the inventory takers by turning the pages into the office and some lucky person sifts through the information, which of course is listed in a different order, to enter it in the system.

When using Agvance Accounting in conjunction with the Agvance Warehouse app, the inventory management process is automated. Colleen Truckey, SSI Implementation Specialist says “this is only one of the great things that the Warehouse app can do. With the Warehouse app, users can receive and verify incoming shipments, create, assign, and load outbound tickets, and perform physical inventory counts and adjustments.”

Warehouse is designed to run on Apple or Android mobile devices, including phones and tablets and uses the device camera as a barcode scanner. Ruggedized devices with long-range scanners can also be used for the conditions in an agronomy warehouse. For quick product recognition, use the scanner or start typing the first letters of a product and select from the narrowed list. Next, count your items and enter the number on the screen. That’s it. You are on to the next product. Coworkers can enter simultaneously by using the warehouse app on their own device. Find more of the same product in another part of the warehouse? Add more to the existing count. Inventory numbers entered in the Warehouse app can be imported into Agvance Accounting.

Learn more about managing inventory with Agvance Warehouse and complete the form below to request additional information.

Watch the Video Enhance Your Inventory Process with Agvance Warehouse

Read more Warehouse and Container Management Designed Specifically for the Agriculture Industry

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